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  • Celeste Magnani

Get out of your own way

I've had a pretty eventful and busy week and didn't make much time for painting. Scratch that, I had time but I felt blocked and unmotivated to paint. Part of it is always fear. Fear I won't be able to capture on paper the visions in my head, fear I won't do my idea justice, fear that my idea is greater than my skill, that I will mess up, etc. Fear holds me, and I bet, a lot of people from moving forward.

I gave myself a pep talk and told myself it was okay to mess up, it was only paper and paint, that it was okay if my skill wasn't yet up to par with my vision.Treat this as a practice piece and LET GO OF PERFECTION!

Just saying those words, giving myself permission to let go and play with a piece felt like a huge weight off my shoulders. I finished a commission last night and am starting a new piece today. Releasing my expectations renewed my creative juices and motivated me.

It's okay if you don't have all the answers, if you can't see the whole process or the end result before you begin. Do it anyway. You'll feel better knowing you tried, you gain insight and experience from the process and find ways to improve. And you never know, letting go can take you and your passion (art, music, writing, creating, etc) to unexpected places and help you grow beyond your expectations.

In fact, throw those expectations out the window and go create!

Have an Aloha filled day my friends!

Metta Bhavana
Perfect example of vision vs reality. I was scared I'd fail creating it.


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